Aubergines have nutritional properties with low energy. That is why we fill them with different nutritious foods such as vegetables, crushed tomatoes and minced meat. Here is how they are made.
Aubergines with Monsieur Cuisine Connect


400 gr. of minced meat
150 gr. of crushed tomato
2 aubergines
2 medium onions
60 ml. of olive oil
2 garlic
1/2 red pepper
1/2 green pepper
2 small carrots
Black pepper
Salt to taste

Instructions for use

1- We cut the aubergine and empty the pulp from the inside. We put it in the steam tray and reserve it. Put the pulp in the glass, together with the pepper, carrot, onions and garlic. We program for 8 seconds at speed 5.

2. Lower the ingredients into the glass and add the 60 ml. of olive oil and put it in the frying pan for 10 minutes.

3- Once finished, add the minced meat, tomato, oregano and salt. Put the steamer with the tray, and the aubergines inside, program 25 minutes, at 130ºC, speed 1 and reverse.

4- Once the programme is finished, we fill the aubergines with the bolognese sauce that has come out of the glass.

5- Once the aubergines are assembled, we make the béchamel sauce and spread it over the aubergines. We can add grated cheese and put everything in the oven for 10 minutes at 200ºC to grill.


To the eggplant recipe, we added the ingredients we told you about above. But you can add other kinds of ingredients if you prefer. Like chicken, beef or pork. Changing the vegetables will also make you have more variety of dishes to prepare.

To make the aubergines correctly, you have to use the steamer, tray and the lid of the Monsieur Cuisine robot.

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